Monday, August 25, 2008

Walking the 3-Day--Can You Help?

Hello doves!

You may have already heard from me via e-mail, so you probably know I'm walking the Breast Cancer 3-Day. I'm hoping you can help me, not only with the fundraising portion, if you should feel so inclined, but with SPREADING THE WORD. I'm telling my network of friends and family, could you tell yours?

I'm walking the 3-Day in honor of Jessica, and if you read this blog, you probably have a personal connection with her as well. But even if you don't, you probably know someone who has fought breast cancer. I'll do all the walking, but if you could help me by forwarding my e-mail to as many people as you can, I would really appreciate it.

Here's the link, too, if you want to guide people to this blog.


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